Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I am thankful...

For my wonderful family. Though they drive me crazy some (most?) of the time, they also bring me such joy everyday. You can't spend the day angry when you have a 2 (almost 3) year old bringing you gifts and calling you "highness".

For the weather. This one may seem silly-especially to those of you who know what a doofus I am over the weather, but just take a minute to think about it. How can you not love a crisp, cool day with a hint of a breeze on the air? Or a gray, rainy day that allows you to sit snuggled on the couch with a blanket and a cuddly child. A snowy, winter night that is so quiet and peaceful, you scarcely want to breathe for fear of breaking the silence. Yes, even a summer day, hot and sunny, sitting on the grass, feeling the warmth on your face. It all makes life so much more enjoyable.

For people who care about us enough to go out of their way to help us when we are having difficulties.

For my husband. He is working so hard to provide for us right now. I get teary eyed every time I think about it. And he doesn't complain about it either-He does it because he loves us and wants so much to be able to take care of us.

For God's grace. I make so many mistakes, each and every day. He never condemns. He gently corrects me and points me in the right direction, holding my hand all the while.

1 comment:

Mary said...

This is beautiful!