Monday, September 29, 2008

Friday, September 26, 2008

It doesn't take much... entertain a child, no matter what the age.



The simplest things tend to be the most fun.

As for me, sometimes I find it best to just sit and watch. That is my entertainment!

Mommies don't get sick!

Don't we wish. I spent the entire day yesterday either in bed, or on the couch with a pillow and blanket. Thank God Jas was feeling well enough to take care of the house and kids, giving me a chance to recoup for as long as I needed. I don't think I've ever had the flu at this point in pregnancy before-It is not fun! I also had the added blessing of my very competent Miss Madeline taking over some of the cleaning (without asking I might add!) in order that I might not be facing total chaos today. That was really wonderful.

Today we are getting the house back in order-washing pillows and blankets, picking-up in general and doing a light school day. Everyone is feeling more or less like themselves again, with maybe a touch of fatigue (mostly on my part I think), so we will wait until Monday to get down to the grindstone again. Another thing I love about homeschooling.

Have a wonderful day and don't worry-The heat is only here for a day or so! ;o)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Miss Brianna!

You are 6 today. Wow the time flies! You are such a sweet little girl and we love you oh so much. I'm sorry your birthday didn't turn out the way we planned, but I hope you had some good times anyways. Love you!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Still sick

It seems we are making the rounds with this little bug we have, as Brianna and Megan are now down with it. No, it isn't something we ate like I originally suspected. It's just a nasty old stomach flu. Thankfully it is very short lived-less than 24 hours. Tomorrow is Brianna's birthday and hopefully she will be her cheerful self by morning. I just have to pray that Lissa doesn't get it because that would put a bit of a damper on Bri's birthday party. :o(

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sick today

Well actually, I'm feeling better, but Miss Madeline is still feeling under the weather after being up most of the night with stomach pain. I had much the same thing, but with baby putting pressure on everything I think mine was felt differently than hers was. So we will be taking it easy today. I'm hoping we actually have some rain-That would make this quiet, stay-in-the house day perfect!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Zoo trip

Watching the monkey.....

.....who was having a little snack of zoo map.

This little tree frog wasn't actually in an exhibit, but we sure thought it was neat!

Papa surrounded by his girls.

Look at me mom!!

What are you looking at?

Getting tired!

Sweet Miss Brianna.

Definitely ready to go home!

Lissa's Birthday

Just a couple of pictures from Alyssa's birthday party.

Opening gifts.

Getting ready to blow out her candles.

What a big girl!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Fall pictures

Happy Birthday to our Miss Alyssa!!

3 years ago we brought you home from the hospital-another perfect addition to our family.

And now you are growing into such a sweet little lady before our very eyes. Happy Birthday sweetie!

God really loves us

We have been having all kinds of troubles with our van and finally this week it gave out completely. Unfortunately, due to difficult times we were really going to have a hard time getting a replacement. In steps my dad. He found us this incredible van from a lady who gave us such an amazing deal on it I still can hardly believe it. I am so grateful to everyone who helped us in this situation. Thank you all so so much!!

It got here yesterday and we didn't want to get out of it. :oP

They don't look excited or anything do they?

It is absolutely perfect! I can't wait to bring Kate home it in-Our previous van had only one sliding door and that one was broken so I've been envisioning trying to lug her infant seat up and out the driver door and believe me I was not looking forward to it. Now I have not only one, but two working sliding doors! I could cry!! (please remember I am not the focus of this picture-lol)

So, yes. God has blessed us, our family has blessed us, and people we don't even know have blessed us. I definitely feel loved!

First day of soccer

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sometimes I clean

Per my brothers suggestion, I am putting up photos of my living room when it is not a complete mess. With Fall in full swing and Kate arriving in a mere 10 weeks, Paul has been coming over and helping me and the girls get things in order. It has been so nice. I really need the extra motivation right now that he has been providing. Today we tackled the Living Room-Including rearranging, always a favorite!

These are a bit dark, but as you can see by the windows, it is night after all. ;o)

Snug and cozy-ready for babies and winter.

Tomorrow or Friday I hope to have some pictures to share of our most recent blessing. Stay tuned!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I am thankful...

For my wonderful family. Though they drive me crazy some (most?) of the time, they also bring me such joy everyday. You can't spend the day angry when you have a 2 (almost 3) year old bringing you gifts and calling you "highness".

For the weather. This one may seem silly-especially to those of you who know what a doofus I am over the weather, but just take a minute to think about it. How can you not love a crisp, cool day with a hint of a breeze on the air? Or a gray, rainy day that allows you to sit snuggled on the couch with a blanket and a cuddly child. A snowy, winter night that is so quiet and peaceful, you scarcely want to breathe for fear of breaking the silence. Yes, even a summer day, hot and sunny, sitting on the grass, feeling the warmth on your face. It all makes life so much more enjoyable.

For people who care about us enough to go out of their way to help us when we are having difficulties.

For my husband. He is working so hard to provide for us right now. I get teary eyed every time I think about it. And he doesn't complain about it either-He does it because he loves us and wants so much to be able to take care of us.

For God's grace. I make so many mistakes, each and every day. He never condemns. He gently corrects me and points me in the right direction, holding my hand all the while.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Today I got my hair cut, compliments of my brother, followed by dinner at the Olive Garden, compliments of my brothers. What a great birthday gift!

After! (Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?)

So much mess

But well worth it. This took me the better part of an hour. Cutting and laminating multiplication tables for the girls to use. My shoulders are killing me!

Apple Cinnamon Pancakes

'Tis the fall of the year and we are making fall food. Yummy, my favorite! We recently made these pancakes and Madeline liked them so much she wanted me to share them with you all. So here you go! (picture compliments of Maddie)

Apple Cinnamon Pancakes


* 1 cup flour
* 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
* 1 Tbsp. sugar
* 1/2 tsp. salt
* 1 tsp. cinnamon
* 1 tsp. nutmeg
* 1 egg
* 3 Tbsp. oil
* 1 medium apple, chopped finely
* 3/4 cup milk


1. In a large bowl, mix flour, baking powder, sugar, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg.
2. In a small bowl, fluff egg with fork and add milk.
3. Add egg/milk mixture to flour mixture and stir until lumps are smoothed out.
4. Add oil and apples.
5. Heat on the griddle just as you would with any other pancakes.

First day of dance

I should have posted these last week but somehow I didn't get around to it. And please, do me a favor and ignore the total mess in the background-it was one of those weeks until my wonderful brother came over on Wednesday and kicked everyone's butt's 'till the house was clean. ;o)

Anyways, last Tuesday was Maddie and Meg's first day of dance class. They are doing a ballet/tap combo class with some other homeschoolers and they loved it! We really live in a great town-There are opportunities (and scholarships!) galore. There is really never a shortage of something for them to do. This Thursday they all (except Lissie) start soccer. They do that every fall and really enjoy it. I'll try and remember my camera so I can put some pictures up. In the meantime-Miss Megan. She must have been really excited as she is actually smiling in this picture!
Madeline. She is getting so tall and grown up.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The view from up here

I thought I'd share a unique perspective with everyone today-My view when I look down. You might notice that feet are absent from this picture. If anyone finds them please let me know-I haven't seen them for awhile.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Candy Corn

In my opinion there are 2 types of people in the world-Those who love Candy Corn and those who don't. I happen to fall into the love it category. Once I open a bag I cannot stop eating it. I really have a problem. After Alyssa was born I ate 3 bags in less than 2 days. It gave me thrush. Not fun. After I passed my 3 hour gestational diabetes test on Monday I wanted nothing more than to celebrate with a big bag of candy corn. Guess what Target was out of? Yep. Candy Corn. Well today we went grocery shopping and guess what my sweet girls found for me? Oh yeah. Candy Corn. And now I am eating it compulsively. I always think, Just one more piece. That's all I need, then I'll be satisfied. But no, it is never just one more piece. I'm going to stop talking about Candy Corn now and then I'm going to go eat just one more piece.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

DJJD Parade

Every year, the weekend after Labor day, our town celebrates it's annual festival. We didn't really do much for it this year-we went down and let the kids pick out a treat(compliments of Great-Grandpa) from all the yummy junk food stands (mmmmm.......cheese curds!!) and we went to the parade. We always go to the parade, but this year was special because Papa came with us!! Usually the parade coincides with the first football game of the season and we know that is a big deal for him so we let him stay home. This year the first game was on a Monday so he got to come with us. That was a treat!

Waiting "patiently" for the parade to start.

Getting antsy!!!

Jas and Jeorge.

Jenny. It's nice to have other adults to sit with. :o)

Lissie did a dance nearly every time she heard music-floats, marching bands, it didn't matter-She was diggin' the beat!

Zach was NOT impressed by the noise!

Lissie and Papa watching the parade. Precious.