Tuesday, February 17, 2009


"Mom? Why is there a box of eggs in our living room?" (1o year old talking) "Eggs? There aren't any eggs in the living room." "Yes there are. There is a box that says new egg on it." (Lol!) "That isn't eggs. That's computer stuff!"

Monday, February 16, 2009

Houston-We've lost a tooth!

After much anticipation Brianna lost her first tooth yesterday! She has been wiggling it and wiggling it and wiggling it some more. Of course when it finally did come out it was with no effort at all, falling out unexpectedly at church. :o)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Valentine's day hairdo

You can't get any cuter than this kid! ♥ ♥ ♥

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Ice skating!

I truly love winter. Have I mentioned that before? Yes, I know, it's cold and when it gets windy it is particularly miserable, but where there is cold (and hopefully snow), there is ice skating and let's face it, ice skating is too much fun! Granted, I don't have skates at the moment but my kids do and I really enjoy watching them!

Some skate....

Some slide around on their boots....

Most fall....

All have a good time. :o)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Related? Maybe?

I've been going through all our old pictures, scanning some into the computer and I came across some of Miss Maddie. I'm pretty sure she and Kate are sisters. ;o)

Best friends

On Wednesday Brianna's very dear friend Ashlyn came home after being overseas for nearly 2 years. She was so excited-We actually started counting the days weeks ago. Yesterday Ashlyn came over to play and, as is typical for them, they played fiercely and fought fiercely. They generally make up pretty quickly though. ;o)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

My Moby!!!

My Moby has arrived!! It only took 2 weeks. (yeah right)

Anyways, I just have to tell you a little bit more about the wonders of the Moby. You will think I am exaggerating when I tell you this but I promise, I'm not. When Kate is fussing and I go stand in front of her to put on Moby she immediately stops crying. I kid you not. Not only does she stop crying, but she starts smiling and cooing at me. Yeah. How cool is that? While I was waiting for it to arrive and having fits of frustration (yes I admit to my shortcomings) Jas told me it wasn't "magic". Well he is now taking that little statement back. The Moby is indeed, magic.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


As many of you already know, almost two weeks ago I ordered a Moby Wrap. The story of my Moby is long and obnoxious and I won't share it with you now, but lets just say that I'm about ready to strangle someone my frustration has been great. Thankfully, God has blessed me with wonderful friends and my dear friend Katie decided to lend me hers (against my will) until mine arrives. I cannot begin to tell you what this simple piece of fabric has done for me. Yesterday Kate got shots and my goodness was she crabby. The only thing that stopped the screaming and saved my sanity was being able to put her in the wrap. Today I was able to clean my kitchen and living room (!), all the while carrying her crabbiness around with me (resulting in an almost complete elimination of the crabbiness and a somewhat decent looking home). Wearing my baby is one of the best things I have done in recent history. :o)

Look! I can sweep with two hands! It's amazing. (blurry picture due to amature photographer holding the camera)

A happy mom and a happy baby. Who could ask for anything more?