Friday, October 10, 2008

Not much going on

Sorry I haven't been posting as much. I've been really really tired. I can't imagine why-I'm just as large as an oversized beluga whale. That shouldn't tire anyone out, right?

So what have we been up to? Not a whole lot. The girls had their last day of soccer yesterday, probably a good thing since the parents who had the joy of watching were quickly turning into ice. Yeah, it was a bit on the chilly side. Next week the older two start art class. They took it last year and loved it. It is taught by a homeschooling mom who majored in Art in college, so it is really a great opportunity for them. Stay tuned for pictures of their various projects!

What else? Miss Alyssa finally decided to cooperate and hopped on the potty train full speed! Wahoo!!! She has had only 2 accidents this entire week-nights included. She is so proud of herself and of course lets us know everytime she uses the potty, which is about every 5 minutes-I kid you not. I'm not going to complain though-at least she is using the darn thing! I'm so thankful that I won't have 2 in diapers come November.

Here she is-posing for you all. She is NOT cooperating with picture-taking these days so feel priviliged that she stood still long enough for me to get this.

And for your random viewing enjoyment, here is Brianna, apparently terribly startled to be the subject of a picture. She says hi to a certain friend of hers who she hasn't seen in awhile!

I guess that's all for now!

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