Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Naming a child is hard work-So much pressure! What if you give them a stupid name? Or a boring name? Or one that is just a fad at the time of their birth? You can go with a classic, but often they are really popular and if you know my husband, you know that just isn't an option. Let me fill you in on our naming journeys.

Madeline Grace. Maddie was named when, believe it or not, her name was NOT popular. We thought it was pretty and how were we to know that there would be 1,000's of other Madeline's (or Madison's-also nicknamed Maddie) born that year and the next and the next. Jas still cringes when we are out and he hears the name Maddie called over and over. Oh well, I would have picked it anyways, because, come on, can you really see her being called anything else?

Megan Alliah. Megan was so named because I love the name Meg and also for one of our youth group kids at the time. Nothing super-fancy, which fits her just right. Nowdays she is called any number of names, including Monkey, Muggie, Muggins, Megs, etc. Meg and Muggie are my favorites. :o)

Brianna Laura. Named of course because it was pretty and also with the influence of another of our youth group kids. The Laura is of course for the girls' favorite auntie! ;o) Brianna's name also fits her really well-a bit more fancy, Brianna is rarely seen in anything but a dress. Find her a pretty pair of princess pajamas and they won't come off for a week. She likes having her hair put up and she cried the time she begged to have it cut and then realized it was short when we were done. She is just all around girl. Her nicknames include Bri, Teeny-Beanie, Teeny, and from Uncle Paul-Nini.

Alyssa Jean. Alyssa's name was chosen just because we liked it. Her middle name is for our friend Sara Jean. We would have used Sara as the middle name but it would have made for some unpleasant initials. lol! Anyways. Miss Alyssa, as I most often call her, is......really nothing like her name. Hee hee! She is however, very like her nickname, Lissie. She is cute and fun and mischevious!

And now we come to our last baby. Baby girl #5. We have done very little name searching for this little one so far, but we have had a few stick out here and there. Monday we found out she is a girl. Yesterday we more or less decided her name will be Kate. And since just Kate doesn't go well with our last name, it will probably be Katharine after our good friend Katie. So for now we are calling her Baby Kate, or Papa's nickname for her, Kit-Kat. (yes you may call her Katie if you wish) I know-We already have 3 Katies in the extended family. I don't care. This name feels right and we like it, so there. Of course until she is born anything could happen but for now here is our little Miss Baby Kate. :o)
(sorry, pictures of unborn babies are limited!)


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