Monday, May 4, 2009

Switching things up!

This past weekend Jolene moved in to her and Caleb's new townhouse and as a result, Madeline was finally able to move into her room. Megan also got in on the action as Madeline's move meant that Meg is now sharing her room with Kate. She really has the room to herself for awhile since Kate rarely sleeps through the night at this point in time and let's face it, Mommy is too lazy sleepy to make the trek to the other side of the house to feed a baby in the middle of the night. I am putting her down for naps in there when possible to get her used to it though.

Maddie and Megan are both as pleased as they possibly could be at the new arrangements!

Meg, diligently working at her Math in the quiet of her room.

This is about as clean as this room is gonna get without the intervention of Mom.

Kate's first nap in her new crib. Up until this point she has done all of her sleeping in the bassinet or in the pack n play.

Maddie's room. This is about as messy as this room will get. Madeline is a very neat person. (I'm so thankful that God gave me at least one!)

Maddie's desk area.

She realized I was taking pictures and was horrified that her bed wasn't made. She immediately made it and assumed a position of contentment to show you her feelings about having her own little space in the world.

It's funny. Technically we have no more space than we did before, but just the fact that we are a bit more spread out makes our house seem a bit larger. I'm enjoying it thoroughly!

1 comment:

Laura said...

i love it! looks great...